Autobiography of a Flea
但是各位譯作家畢竟沒法完全譯盡所有英文情色文章,大部分還是要靠讀者自己去閱讀。而讀者卻常為一些情色文章內專有的名詞都搞不清楚(畢竟學校沒有教),就打退堂鼓了,實在是很可惜,對於這些情色文章的基本知識,台灣的網友其實老早就有一個solution在了,台灣的亞太圖書出版社大概在九年前出版了一些有關閱讀英文情色小說的入門書籍,反正是學英文嘛,愈能激發原動力的方法,愈能學得快。(好象不太對,至少小弟玩H-Game這麼久,可日文還是一樣差┅┅ ^_^* )
這是古典色情文學中最偉大的傑作之一,從開始到最後都是描寫激情的性行為,其淫浪的程度可以說是空前。首先透過跳蚤的嘴說出來,就已經顯得很淫穢了,以年輕的女孩貝 為主,加上神父、中年紳士展開無比淫蕩的性歡宴。
本文所引用的是剛開始的部份,貝 和年輕人幽會時,被一個叫恩布羅斯的神父抓到,被召喚到教會去,而神父利用聖職的立場,用幾乎強姦一般的方式把貝 弄到手。可是貝 本來就具有好色的性格,立刻沉迷在性的歡樂之中,而且淫蕩性格有增無減。為恩布羅斯做口交之後,開始接受神父的性祝福,就是本文所引用的部份。
「陰門」;virgin orifice(處女的洞)譯作「處女的陰孔」;slippery tribute of herlascivious tempersment(她好色而有粘粘惑的禮物)譯成「無止盡粘粘的淫水」;machine(機械);nut(果實);member(器官)等譯成陽具,而且也盡可將原文所沒有的,下一番苦心予以潤飾。畢竟這並不是一本能藏諸名山,傳諸後世的經典之作,只是提供給讀者們做為閒暇時輕鬆快活地接觸英語的世俗作品而已,所以對於譯文就不必太於苛求,放任自己的想像力去獨享吧!
Father Ambrose was astonished at the charms which nowfaced him. The full hips, the budding breasts, the skin aswhite as snow and soft as satin, the rounded buttocks andswelling thighs, the flat white belly and lovely mount coveredonly with the finestdown, and above all the charmingpinky slit which now showed itself at the bottom of themount, now hid timorously away between the plump thighs,and with a snort of rampant lust he fell upon his victim.
Ambrose clasped her in his arms. He pressed her softand glowing form to his burly front. He covered her withhis salacious kisses, and giving his lewd tongue full licence,promised the young girl all the joys of Paradise by theintroduction of his big machine within her slit and belly.
Bella met him with a little cry of ecstasy, and as theexcited ravisher bore her backwards to the couch, already feltthe broad and glowing warm moist lips of her almost virginorifice.
恩布羅斯將她緊緊地摟在懷裡,他結實的胸膛壓著貝 軟綿綿、熱烘烘的身子,如醉如痴的在她的全身上親吻,他以放蕩不拘的淫蕩聲音向她訴說經由他那巨大的陽具進入她的玉門插入肚子裡,而帶領這位年輕的女孩進入伊甸樂園,給予了她無邊的喜悅。
貝 以心醉神迷的輕微哼聲來迎合他,而在慾火焚身的凌辱者把她推倒仰臥時,已經觸摸到那片沼澤地以及她幾近處女陰門的熱烘烘溫潤濡濕的紅唇上。
And now the holy man, finding delight in the contact ofhis penis with the warm lips of Bellas slit, began pushing itin between with all his energy until the big nut was coveredwith the moisture which the sensitive little sheath exuded.
Bellas passions were at fever height. The efforts ofFather Ambrose to lodge the head of his member within themoist lips of her little slit, so far from deterring her,spurred her to madness, until, with another faint cry, shefell prone and gushed down the slippery tribute of herlascivious temperament.
This was exactly what the bold priest wanted, and as thesweet warm emission bedewed his fiercely distended penis,he drove resolutely in, and at one bound sheathed half itsponderous length in the beautiful child.
No sooner did Bella feel the stiff entry of the terriblemember within her tender body, than she lost all the littlecontrol of herself she had and setting aside all thought ofthe pain she was enduring, she wound her legs about hisloins, and entreated her huge assailant not to spare her.
接著,這位獻身神職的人,由於他那撫觸在貝 陰門溫潤紅唇間的陽具所獲得的快感,使他開始使盡全力將它刺進她的陰唇中,直到那巨大的龜頭濕沒在貝敏感的小穴滲出的淫水中。
貝 的情慾陷入極度的快感里。恩布羅斯神父的努力也得到了回報,終於使得陽具的頭部插進了貝 陰戶濕淋淋的陰唇中,也使得她無意停止接納它,激情令她欲狂,一直到,另一次令人透不過氣來的淫叫聲,她俯臥下身子,從她春情蕩漾底子宮裡流出了滑溜溜的愛液。
這正是厚顏無恥的神父所期盼的,所以當她可愛的溫濕的愛液射黏在他激烈腫脹的陰莖時,他迫不及待地猛烈推進他那尚留半截的命根子,全力以赴地一躍刺進美艷的貝 略帶尿騷味的女陰深處。
貝 剛剛感覺到那令人生畏的巨大陽具強有力插入她底嬌柔的身體裡時整個人象失去了自己一般,忘記了在自己身上所被加諸的疼痛,她嬌柔的雙腳緊緊勒住他的腰,以天塌下來也不會放開的力量死命地夾緊。
「My sweet and delicious child,」 whispered the salaciouspriest, 「my arms are round you, my weapon is alreadyhalfway up your tight little belly. The joys of Paradise willbe yours presently.」
「Oh, I know it; I feel it, do not draw back, give me thedelicious thing as far as you can.」
「There, then, I push, I press, but I am far too largelymade to enter you easily. I shalI burst you, possibly; but itis now too late. I must have you-or die.」
Bellas parts relaxed a little, and Ambrose pushed inanother inch. His throbbing member lay skinned and soaking,pushed halfway into the little girls belly. His pleasurewas most intense, and the head of his instrument was copresseddeliciously by Bellas slit.
貝 的陰門慢慢的放鬆張大,恩布羅斯又把他的利器越進雷池一寸左右,他那抖顫顫陰莖的包皮已經翻轉開來,濕得象只陰溝里的老鼠一般,幾乎有一半鑽進這小女孩的下腹部里。他的快感已經達於頂點,而他陽具的龜頭被貝 的陰戶非常快活地勒得緊緊的。
4)全根沒入的插進小 里
「Go on, dear Father, I am waiting for the spunk youpromised me.」
It little needed this stimulant to induce the confessor toan exercise of his tremendous powers of copulation. Hepushed frantically forward; he plunged his hot penis stillfurther and further at each effort, and then with one hugestroke buried himself to the balls in Bellas light littleperson.
lt was then that the furious plunge of the brutal priestbecame more than his sweet victim, sustained as she hadbeen by her own advanced desires, could endure.
With a faint shriek of physical anguish, Bella felt that herravisher had burst through all the resistance which heryouth had opposed to the entry of his member, and the tortureof the forcible insertion of such a mass bore down theprurient sensations with which she had commenced to supportthe attack.
「快一點┅┅,親愛的神父,我等著和你一塊兒去了呢。」貝 擺動著腰催促著。
貝 的小小須求和動作的鼓舞益發引起這位懺悔中的神父性慾大增。他瘋狂般的起伏著身子向前挺進,他把那熱烘烘的陽具逐漸地推入佳境,然後一鼓作氣的以幾乎連睪丸都要一起沒入的態勢,完全的插入貝 浪蕩的小 里。
如此這般的,這位全根沒入的瘋狂神父所感受的快感已然超越其可愛的犧牲者貝 了,由於她自己的淫浪,當她受到如此粗暴的攻擊,也能忍受得住吧!
貝 發出了肉體的痛苦低呼,覺得侵略者以他的陽具入侵而搗碎了她全身,她已然準備好迎合這種全根強力插入的痛苦之淫蕩感。
Ambrose cried aloud in rapture, he looked down uponthe fair thing his serpent had stung. He gIoated over thevictim now impaIed with the full rigout of his huge rammer.
He felt the maddening contact with inexpressible delight.
He saw her quivering with the anguish of his forcibleentry. His brutal nature was fully aroused. Come whatmight he would enjoy to his utmost, so he wound his armsabout the beautiful girl and treated her to the full measureof his burly member.
「My beauty! you are indeed exciting, you must also enJoy.
I will give you the spunk l spoke of, butI must firstwork up my nature by this luscious titillation. Kiss me,Bella, then you shall have it, and while the hot spunk leavesme and enters your young parts, you shall be sensible of thethrobbing joys I also am experiencing. Press, Bella, let mepush, so, my child, now it enters again. Oh! oh!」恩布羅斯喜極而大聲叫喊,微微張開眼睛俯視被毒蛇般的陽具刺螫後的美麗胴體。他對於用自己巨大的東西征服這個女人甚覺痛快,一種說不出來的快感令他喜極欲狂。他看著因他的猛烈抽送而痛苦般扭動著的貝 ,益發引起了他強烈的獸性。為了要盡情的享受,而以雙手緊緊地抱住美麗的胴體,將他那粗壯的東西連根的供她享受。
「噢,可愛的貝 !你已完全興奮了,你得徹底的享用這樣的好滋味。我說過的,我要給你快活,但你得先令我極度的興奮。來吧!貝 ,用嘴吸吮,你會的,當我熱黏黏的精液進入你青春活力的陰戶里時,你會享用到我感受過的顫抖的快感。壓緊我,貝 ,壓緊我,我要進去了,就是這樣。┅┅我的乖孩子,它又進去了,噢┅┅噢┅┅」
Ambrose raised himself a moment, and noted theimmense shaft round which the pretty slit of Bella was nowintensely stretched.
Firmly embedded in his luscious sheath, and keenlyrelishing the exceeding tightness of the warm folds of youthfulflesh which now encased him, he pushed on, unmindful ofthe pain his tormenting member was producing, and onlyanxious to secure as much enjoyment to himself as hecould. He was not a man to be deterred by any falsenotions of pity in such a case, and now pressed himselfinwards to his utmost, while his hot lips sucked deliciouskisses from the open and quivering lips of the poor Bella.
For some minutes nothing new was heard but the jerkingblows with which the lascivious priest centinued his enjoyment,and the cluck, cluck of his huge penis, as it alternatelyentered and retreated in the belIy of the beautiful penitent.
It was not to be supposed that such a man as Ambrosewas ignorant of the tremendous powers of enjoyment hismember could rouse within one of the opposite sex, andthat with its size and disgorging capabilities of such anature as to enlist the most powerful emotions in the younggirl in whom he was operating.
But Nature was asserting herself in the person of theyoung Bella. The agony of the stretching was fast beingswallowed up in the intense sensations of pleasure producedby the vigorous weapon of the holy man, and it was notlong before the low moans and sobs of the pretty child becamemingIed with expressions, half choked in the depth ofher feelings, expressive of delight.
恩布羅斯這麼哼哼哈哈的說著抬起了他的身子,看了看肚臍下面他那雄偉的東西被貝 惹人愛憐的陰戶緊緊地咬住。這時候的他,一絲絲同情別人的溫柔體貼之心已蕩然無存,他拼命用力的將他的陽具深深插入的同時,將火一般熱的嘴唇壓在那可憐顫抖著的貝 像薔薇般的嘴唇上,屏住氣吸吮個不停。
而大自然的構造是微妙的,由於神父激烈的抽送所引起的極度伸張的痛苦很快的即被感官上的快感所吞沒,美麗的貝 發出了斷斷續續的呻吟聲,一陣快感的喜悅令她樂極欲昏。
8)貝 快要泄了
「Oh, my Father! Oh, my dear, generous Father! Now,now push. Oh! push. I can bear- I wish for it. I am inheaven. The blessed instrument is so hot in its head. Oh!
my heart. Oh! my-oh! Holy Mother, what this I feel?」Ambrose saw the effect he was producing. His own pleaureadvanced apace. He drove steadily in and out, treatingBella to the long hard shaft of his member up to the crisphair which covered his big balls, at each forward thrust.
At length Bella broke down, and treated the electrifiedand ravished man with a warm emission which ran all overhis stiff affair.
It is impossible to describe the lustful frenzy which nowtook possession of the young and charming Bella. She clungwith desperate tenacity to the burly figure of the priest,who bestowed upon the heaving and voluptuous body thefuII force and vigour of his manly thrust. She held him inher tight and slippery sheath to his balls.
啊!我的心肝愛人,哦!┅┅哦,聖母瑪麗亞,到底怎麼了?」貝 夢囈般的低吟著。
恩布羅斯眼看已經產生了效果,也益發增進了他自己的興奮。於是他迅速的抽送陽具繼續攻擊她,偶而幾乎連睪丸也一起進入般深深插入,騷擾貝 的玉門深處。
貝 終於泄了,身體如觸電般顫抖,同時把熱黏黏的淫水大量的澆在對方的陽具頭上。
年輕嫵媚的貝 之淫蕩好色是無法以筆墨來詳述的。她戀戀不捨地渴望著黏住神父粗壯的陽物,她挺起一身撩人性慾底美麗胴體,熱情地去全力迎合他的抽送,緊緊夾住他那滑溜溜的陽物連同睪丸。
But in her ecstasy Bella never lost sight of the promisedperfection of the enjoyment. The holy man was to spend hisspunk in her as Charlie had done, and the thought addedfuelto her lustful fire.
When, therefore, Father Ambrose, throwing his armsclose round her taper waist, drove up his stallion penis tothe very hairs in Bellas slit, and sobbing, whispered thatthe 「spunk」 was coming at last, the excited girl straightawayopening her legs to the utmost, with positive shrieksof pleasure let him send his pent-up fluid in showers intoher very vitals.
Thus he lay for full two minutes, while at each hot andforcible injection of the slippery semen, Bells gave plentifulevidence by her writhings and cries of ecstasy the powerfuldischarge was producing.
然後神父恩布羅斯輕輕的把手放在貝 起伏的趐胸上,將硬梆梆的陽具插入貝 的陰門直到毛邊,並以鎮靜的口吻說「要去了」,這使得貝 興奮異常,把她的雙腿盡力的向左右張開,擺好姿勢,準備把射入子宮裡的淫水一滴不漏的吸光。
他一動不動的足足有兩分鐘之久,就在這時候,象熱湯一般熱粘粘的淫水,汨汨的射了出來,每當那熱呼呼的淫水射在貝 的子宮頭上時,她就扭動身子喜極而泣。
但是各位譯作家畢竟沒法完全譯盡所有英文情色文章,大部分還是要靠讀者自己去閱讀。而讀者卻常為一些情色文章內專有的名詞都搞不清楚(畢竟學校沒有教),就打退堂鼓了,實在是很可惜,對於這些情色文章的基本知識,台灣的網友其實老早就有一個solution在了,台灣的亞太圖書出版社大概在九年前出版了一些有關閱讀英文情色小說的入門書籍,反正是學英文嘛,愈能激發原動力的方法,愈能學得快。(好象不太對,至少小弟玩H-Game這麼久,可日文還是一樣差┅┅ ^_^* )
這是古典色情文學中最偉大的傑作之一,從開始到最後都是描寫激情的性行為,其淫浪的程度可以說是空前。首先透過跳蚤的嘴說出來,就已經顯得很淫穢了,以年輕的女孩貝 為主,加上神父、中年紳士展開無比淫蕩的性歡宴。
本文所引用的是剛開始的部份,貝 和年輕人幽會時,被一個叫恩布羅斯的神父抓到,被召喚到教會去,而神父利用聖職的立場,用幾乎強姦一般的方式把貝 弄到手。可是貝 本來就具有好色的性格,立刻沉迷在性的歡樂之中,而且淫蕩性格有增無減。為恩布羅斯做口交之後,開始接受神父的性祝福,就是本文所引用的部份。
「陰門」;virgin orifice(處女的洞)譯作「處女的陰孔」;slippery tribute of herlascivious tempersment(她好色而有粘粘惑的禮物)譯成「無止盡粘粘的淫水」;machine(機械);nut(果實);member(器官)等譯成陽具,而且也盡可將原文所沒有的,下一番苦心予以潤飾。畢竟這並不是一本能藏諸名山,傳諸後世的經典之作,只是提供給讀者們做為閒暇時輕鬆快活地接觸英語的世俗作品而已,所以對於譯文就不必太於苛求,放任自己的想像力去獨享吧!
Father Ambrose was astonished at the charms which nowfaced him. The full hips, the budding breasts, the skin aswhite as snow and soft as satin, the rounded buttocks andswelling thighs, the flat white belly and lovely mount coveredonly with the finestdown, and above all the charmingpinky slit which now showed itself at the bottom of themount, now hid timorously away between the plump thighs,and with a snort of rampant lust he fell upon his victim.
Ambrose clasped her in his arms. He pressed her softand glowing form to his burly front. He covered her withhis salacious kisses, and giving his lewd tongue full licence,promised the young girl all the joys of Paradise by theintroduction of his big machine within her slit and belly.
Bella met him with a little cry of ecstasy, and as theexcited ravisher bore her backwards to the couch, already feltthe broad and glowing warm moist lips of her almost virginorifice.
恩布羅斯將她緊緊地摟在懷裡,他結實的胸膛壓著貝 軟綿綿、熱烘烘的身子,如醉如痴的在她的全身上親吻,他以放蕩不拘的淫蕩聲音向她訴說經由他那巨大的陽具進入她的玉門插入肚子裡,而帶領這位年輕的女孩進入伊甸樂園,給予了她無邊的喜悅。
貝 以心醉神迷的輕微哼聲來迎合他,而在慾火焚身的凌辱者把她推倒仰臥時,已經觸摸到那片沼澤地以及她幾近處女陰門的熱烘烘溫潤濡濕的紅唇上。
And now the holy man, finding delight in the contact ofhis penis with the warm lips of Bellas slit, began pushing itin between with all his energy until the big nut was coveredwith the moisture which the sensitive little sheath exuded.
Bellas passions were at fever height. The efforts ofFather Ambrose to lodge the head of his member within themoist lips of her little slit, so far from deterring her,spurred her to madness, until, with another faint cry, shefell prone and gushed down the slippery tribute of herlascivious temperament.
This was exactly what the bold priest wanted, and as thesweet warm emission bedewed his fiercely distended penis,he drove resolutely in, and at one bound sheathed half itsponderous length in the beautiful child.
No sooner did Bella feel the stiff entry of the terriblemember within her tender body, than she lost all the littlecontrol of herself she had and setting aside all thought ofthe pain she was enduring, she wound her legs about hisloins, and entreated her huge assailant not to spare her.
接著,這位獻身神職的人,由於他那撫觸在貝 陰門溫潤紅唇間的陽具所獲得的快感,使他開始使盡全力將它刺進她的陰唇中,直到那巨大的龜頭濕沒在貝敏感的小穴滲出的淫水中。
貝 的情慾陷入極度的快感里。恩布羅斯神父的努力也得到了回報,終於使得陽具的頭部插進了貝 陰戶濕淋淋的陰唇中,也使得她無意停止接納它,激情令她欲狂,一直到,另一次令人透不過氣來的淫叫聲,她俯臥下身子,從她春情蕩漾底子宮裡流出了滑溜溜的愛液。
這正是厚顏無恥的神父所期盼的,所以當她可愛的溫濕的愛液射黏在他激烈腫脹的陰莖時,他迫不及待地猛烈推進他那尚留半截的命根子,全力以赴地一躍刺進美艷的貝 略帶尿騷味的女陰深處。
貝 剛剛感覺到那令人生畏的巨大陽具強有力插入她底嬌柔的身體裡時整個人象失去了自己一般,忘記了在自己身上所被加諸的疼痛,她嬌柔的雙腳緊緊勒住他的腰,以天塌下來也不會放開的力量死命地夾緊。
「My sweet and delicious child,」 whispered the salaciouspriest, 「my arms are round you, my weapon is alreadyhalfway up your tight little belly. The joys of Paradise willbe yours presently.」
「Oh, I know it; I feel it, do not draw back, give me thedelicious thing as far as you can.」
「There, then, I push, I press, but I am far too largelymade to enter you easily. I shalI burst you, possibly; but itis now too late. I must have you-or die.」
Bellas parts relaxed a little, and Ambrose pushed inanother inch. His throbbing member lay skinned and soaking,pushed halfway into the little girls belly. His pleasurewas most intense, and the head of his instrument was copresseddeliciously by Bellas slit.
貝 的陰門慢慢的放鬆張大,恩布羅斯又把他的利器越進雷池一寸左右,他那抖顫顫陰莖的包皮已經翻轉開來,濕得象只陰溝里的老鼠一般,幾乎有一半鑽進這小女孩的下腹部里。他的快感已經達於頂點,而他陽具的龜頭被貝 的陰戶非常快活地勒得緊緊的。
4)全根沒入的插進小 里
「Go on, dear Father, I am waiting for the spunk youpromised me.」
It little needed this stimulant to induce the confessor toan exercise of his tremendous powers of copulation. Hepushed frantically forward; he plunged his hot penis stillfurther and further at each effort, and then with one hugestroke buried himself to the balls in Bellas light littleperson.
lt was then that the furious plunge of the brutal priestbecame more than his sweet victim, sustained as she hadbeen by her own advanced desires, could endure.
With a faint shriek of physical anguish, Bella felt that herravisher had burst through all the resistance which heryouth had opposed to the entry of his member, and the tortureof the forcible insertion of such a mass bore down theprurient sensations with which she had commenced to supportthe attack.
「快一點┅┅,親愛的神父,我等著和你一塊兒去了呢。」貝 擺動著腰催促著。
貝 的小小須求和動作的鼓舞益發引起這位懺悔中的神父性慾大增。他瘋狂般的起伏著身子向前挺進,他把那熱烘烘的陽具逐漸地推入佳境,然後一鼓作氣的以幾乎連睪丸都要一起沒入的態勢,完全的插入貝 浪蕩的小 里。
如此這般的,這位全根沒入的瘋狂神父所感受的快感已然超越其可愛的犧牲者貝 了,由於她自己的淫浪,當她受到如此粗暴的攻擊,也能忍受得住吧!
貝 發出了肉體的痛苦低呼,覺得侵略者以他的陽具入侵而搗碎了她全身,她已然準備好迎合這種全根強力插入的痛苦之淫蕩感。
Ambrose cried aloud in rapture, he looked down uponthe fair thing his serpent had stung. He gIoated over thevictim now impaIed with the full rigout of his huge rammer.
He felt the maddening contact with inexpressible delight.
He saw her quivering with the anguish of his forcibleentry. His brutal nature was fully aroused. Come whatmight he would enjoy to his utmost, so he wound his armsabout the beautiful girl and treated her to the full measureof his burly member.
「My beauty! you are indeed exciting, you must also enJoy.
I will give you the spunk l spoke of, butI must firstwork up my nature by this luscious titillation. Kiss me,Bella, then you shall have it, and while the hot spunk leavesme and enters your young parts, you shall be sensible of thethrobbing joys I also am experiencing. Press, Bella, let mepush, so, my child, now it enters again. Oh! oh!」恩布羅斯喜極而大聲叫喊,微微張開眼睛俯視被毒蛇般的陽具刺螫後的美麗胴體。他對於用自己巨大的東西征服這個女人甚覺痛快,一種說不出來的快感令他喜極欲狂。他看著因他的猛烈抽送而痛苦般扭動著的貝 ,益發引起了他強烈的獸性。為了要盡情的享受,而以雙手緊緊地抱住美麗的胴體,將他那粗壯的東西連根的供她享受。
「噢,可愛的貝 !你已完全興奮了,你得徹底的享用這樣的好滋味。我說過的,我要給你快活,但你得先令我極度的興奮。來吧!貝 ,用嘴吸吮,你會的,當我熱黏黏的精液進入你青春活力的陰戶里時,你會享用到我感受過的顫抖的快感。壓緊我,貝 ,壓緊我,我要進去了,就是這樣。┅┅我的乖孩子,它又進去了,噢┅┅噢┅┅」
Ambrose raised himself a moment, and noted theimmense shaft round which the pretty slit of Bella was nowintensely stretched.
Firmly embedded in his luscious sheath, and keenlyrelishing the exceeding tightness of the warm folds of youthfulflesh which now encased him, he pushed on, unmindful ofthe pain his tormenting member was producing, and onlyanxious to secure as much enjoyment to himself as hecould. He was not a man to be deterred by any falsenotions of pity in such a case, and now pressed himselfinwards to his utmost, while his hot lips sucked deliciouskisses from the open and quivering lips of the poor Bella.
For some minutes nothing new was heard but the jerkingblows with which the lascivious priest centinued his enjoyment,and the cluck, cluck of his huge penis, as it alternatelyentered and retreated in the belIy of the beautiful penitent.
It was not to be supposed that such a man as Ambrosewas ignorant of the tremendous powers of enjoyment hismember could rouse within one of the opposite sex, andthat with its size and disgorging capabilities of such anature as to enlist the most powerful emotions in the younggirl in whom he was operating.
But Nature was asserting herself in the person of theyoung Bella. The agony of the stretching was fast beingswallowed up in the intense sensations of pleasure producedby the vigorous weapon of the holy man, and it was notlong before the low moans and sobs of the pretty child becamemingIed with expressions, half choked in the depth ofher feelings, expressive of delight.
恩布羅斯這麼哼哼哈哈的說著抬起了他的身子,看了看肚臍下面他那雄偉的東西被貝 惹人愛憐的陰戶緊緊地咬住。這時候的他,一絲絲同情別人的溫柔體貼之心已蕩然無存,他拼命用力的將他的陽具深深插入的同時,將火一般熱的嘴唇壓在那可憐顫抖著的貝 像薔薇般的嘴唇上,屏住氣吸吮個不停。
而大自然的構造是微妙的,由於神父激烈的抽送所引起的極度伸張的痛苦很快的即被感官上的快感所吞沒,美麗的貝 發出了斷斷續續的呻吟聲,一陣快感的喜悅令她樂極欲昏。
8)貝 快要泄了
「Oh, my Father! Oh, my dear, generous Father! Now,now push. Oh! push. I can bear- I wish for it. I am inheaven. The blessed instrument is so hot in its head. Oh!
my heart. Oh! my-oh! Holy Mother, what this I feel?」Ambrose saw the effect he was producing. His own pleaureadvanced apace. He drove steadily in and out, treatingBella to the long hard shaft of his member up to the crisphair which covered his big balls, at each forward thrust.
At length Bella broke down, and treated the electrifiedand ravished man with a warm emission which ran all overhis stiff affair.
It is impossible to describe the lustful frenzy which nowtook possession of the young and charming Bella. She clungwith desperate tenacity to the burly figure of the priest,who bestowed upon the heaving and voluptuous body thefuII force and vigour of his manly thrust. She held him inher tight and slippery sheath to his balls.
啊!我的心肝愛人,哦!┅┅哦,聖母瑪麗亞,到底怎麼了?」貝 夢囈般的低吟著。
恩布羅斯眼看已經產生了效果,也益發增進了他自己的興奮。於是他迅速的抽送陽具繼續攻擊她,偶而幾乎連睪丸也一起進入般深深插入,騷擾貝 的玉門深處。
貝 終於泄了,身體如觸電般顫抖,同時把熱黏黏的淫水大量的澆在對方的陽具頭上。
年輕嫵媚的貝 之淫蕩好色是無法以筆墨來詳述的。她戀戀不捨地渴望著黏住神父粗壯的陽物,她挺起一身撩人性慾底美麗胴體,熱情地去全力迎合他的抽送,緊緊夾住他那滑溜溜的陽物連同睪丸。
But in her ecstasy Bella never lost sight of the promisedperfection of the enjoyment. The holy man was to spend hisspunk in her as Charlie had done, and the thought addedfuelto her lustful fire.
When, therefore, Father Ambrose, throwing his armsclose round her taper waist, drove up his stallion penis tothe very hairs in Bellas slit, and sobbing, whispered thatthe 「spunk」 was coming at last, the excited girl straightawayopening her legs to the utmost, with positive shrieksof pleasure let him send his pent-up fluid in showers intoher very vitals.
Thus he lay for full two minutes, while at each hot andforcible injection of the slippery semen, Bells gave plentifulevidence by her writhings and cries of ecstasy the powerfuldischarge was producing.
然後神父恩布羅斯輕輕的把手放在貝 起伏的趐胸上,將硬梆梆的陽具插入貝 的陰門直到毛邊,並以鎮靜的口吻說「要去了」,這使得貝 興奮異常,把她的雙腿盡力的向左右張開,擺好姿勢,準備把射入子宮裡的淫水一滴不漏的吸光。
他一動不動的足足有兩分鐘之久,就在這時候,象熱湯一般熱粘粘的淫水,汨汨的射了出來,每當那熱呼呼的淫水射在貝 的子宮頭上時,她就扭動身子喜極而泣。